Mort d’Alain Delon: Hiromi Rollin déclare que ses enfants ne lui ont pas permis de lui dire adieu.

 Hiromi Rollin, Alain Delon's former companion and caregiver, expressed her deep sadness and frustration after his death at the age of 88. In a recent interview, she revealed that Delon's children did not allow her to say goodbye to him, calling it "inhumane." Rollin, who had lived with Delon for years, felt devastated by their decision. Despite being cleared of previous allegations of mistreatment, her relationship with the family remained strained, adding to her grief during this difficult tim.

Hiromi Rollin, who was Alain Delon's companion and caretaker for years, was devastated after learning that she was not allowed to say goodbye to him before his death. Despite being cleared of past accusations of mistreatment, she described the treatment from Delon's children as "inhumane." Rollin had been a significant figure in Delon's life, living with him and supporting him, but the strained relationship with his children worsened her grief during this period. 

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